
October 16, 2012

Mid-Week Morsel: Who Doesn't Love a Blog Full of Free Resources?!

This week's slice of the good life is all about freebies.  I mean, really, who doesn't love freebies?  One of the blogs I follow really is all about freebies.  It's actually their middle name.  I'm talking about Homeschool Freebie of the Day.  (They say homeschool, but there are plenty of resources for everyone.)  When you sign up for their mailing list they send you a "heads up" every Sunday stating which resources will be available the next week.  I was very excited when I saw this Friday's resource, Homestead Simplicity: FRUGAL CLEAN.  Here's what they had to say about it...

           Friday, Oct 19th:
           Homestead Simplicity: FRUGAL CLEAN

           $3 value, but free today!

           Learn how to clean your homestead frugally with simple,
           inexpensive ingredients: Vinegar & Baking Soda. Slash your
           grocery bill and keep the environment in your homestead so
           much healthier, by making your own simple products that will
           clean your home on the cheap!

           In this ebook, you'll learn easy to make recipes, frugal
           tips, & ideas for you to create and simply implement at your
           own home. You'll learn how to make your own cleaning sprays,
           Vinegar Hair Rinses, Dish soaps, Lavender Baby Powder,
           even the coveted "Homemade Laundry Soap" recipe and MANY more.

While I can't preview this ebook for you, I can tell you that the Erskine family who runs Homeschool Freebie of the Day is very good at choosing worthwhile resources.  I highly recommend stopping by their blog this Friday to get your free ebook, and don't forget to sign up for their "heads up" while you're there.


1 comment:

How do you live the good life?