
November 24, 2012

DIY Stylish Neck Scarf

I hope everyone had a good Black Friday yesterday.  That's the one day of the year when I don't think you could pay me to go shopping.  I'd rather sit at home and make Christmas gifts.  Here is one I made in just a few weeks.  This knitting project is quick, easy, and oh-so stylish!  It's a short scarf held around your neck with two pom-pom buttons.  Because it's only 2 1/2 feet long, there's no extra length to drag around or get tangled up in.  That makes it perfect for youngsters.  It's style makes it perfect for adults.  I used size 8 needles and three 95 yd balls of Peaches & Creme Tropical Sea yarn.  I didn't follow any pattern; it's just a stockinette stitch rectangle with two button holes at one end.  I did say this was easy, didn't I?  Just in case you don't know how to complete any of the steps, I'm including links to YouTube videos demonstrating the techniques.

1. Cast on 50 stitches and knit a row of knit, then a row of purl (stockinette stitch).  Repeat for about 2 feet, or until you feel the scarf is the length you want for the button holes.

2. When you are ready for your button holes, on a purl row, purl 12 stitches.  Next bind off 5 stitches.  Continue purling 16 stitches, then bind off another 5 stitches.  There should be 12 stitches left to purl to the end of the row.

3. The next row is a knit row.  Just as the previous row, knit 12 stitches.  This time cast on 5 stitches.  Knit 16 more stitches, then cast on 5 stitches.  Again, there should be 12 stitches left to knit to the end of the row.

4. Continue to stockinette stitch several more rows until you feel the scarf is long enough.  Bind off all the stitches and knot your yarn.  Trim all tails.  

5. Now it's time to make the pom-poms.  If you have a pom-pom maker or have the opportunity to buy one (they're inexpensive), I recommend it.  I don't have one, and didn't want to wait until I had time to go buy one, so I made my pom-poms by hand.  It's not difficult, just tedious.  First, I cut seventy-five 1 inch pieces of yarn.  This is the tedious part.

6. Cut one more piece of yarn that is several inches long.  Gather all your 1 inch pieces and pile them up so that they are in a neat pile.  Tie your longer piece around the pile as tightly as possible.

7. Fluff the pom-pom so that it fills in like a ball.  Use the long strings hanging to attach the pom-pom to your scarf.  Repeat steps 5-7 to make the second pom-pom.

Now you have a warm and fashionable scarf to keep you or a loved one warm this winter.  As for the one I made, it will be a Christmas gift this year, made to match a toboggan I made last winter.  Perhaps the recipient's mother will be good enough to post a pic of the matching set after Christmas.  (Hint. Hint.)  What warm and fashionable yarn crafts do you have to share?



  1. hay realy cool i will have to try this

  2. I truly like this scarf! Think I will try one with buttons so it lies flat
    this will make an awesome dickie to nest inside my cardigans V-necks and fleece vests!
    Thank you for sharing!!

    1. I'm so glad you like it. I think a button will definitely help it lie flat, and make it look more grown-up. I made this one for my 8 year old niece who specifically requested a pom-pom on hers. Enjoy!

  3. very nice just what i was looking for

  4. I cheated, i made, 75 of 5 inch long strands , tied them up , then measured 1 inch and cut

  5. Replies
    1. Pamela, I made a matching beanie for my niece. Let me see if I wrote down the instructions. If I did, I'll post it for you.

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