
March 20, 2013

Mid-week Morsel: What's in your health & beauty products?

Today is the first day of spring and, for many, the start of spring cleaning. Through the years I've become more and more conscious of what chemicals I bring into my home.  But, what about the chemicals I put on my skin?  Advertisers are very good at making products appear to be natural and good for you.  When I first discovered Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetics Database I was amazed at some of the chemicals that are in products I used every day, and even more amazed at the chemicals being used that had no research behind them.  For example, did you know that Aveeno Active Naturals Continuous Protection Sunblock Body Lotion SPF 85contains butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)?  BHT is a toluene-based ingredient used as a preservative in food and personal care products.  It is a known human immune toxicant or allergen, and has limited evidence of carcinogenicity.  One or more in vitro tests on mammalian cells has shown positive mutation results, and one or more animal studies has shown tumor formation at high doses.  So, the product you use to prevent skin cancer contains a chemical that may cause cancer.  That 's not the way it should be.  The good life should be natural and well...good, not full of questionable chemicals that may do harm over time.  Knowledge is our best tool.  It enables us to make better decisions for the well-being of our family.

By the way, thank you all for reading my blog.  You've made my day.  When I logged in to publish this post today, I saw I'd hit 1,500 page views.  I just started this blog in August, so that many page views is very exciting for me.  You guys are awesome!


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