
June 5, 2013

Mid-week Morsel: Button Up Your Organizational To-Do List

If spring is for cleaning, then summer is for organizing.  At least, it is for me. As a stay at home mom whose children go to school at home, I can't tell you how many projects get pushed back until school is out for the summer. This is our first full week without school and it is being spent cleaning out and organizing school supplies, and any other pile of disorganization I might find tucked in a corner or under a bed...or on top of my dresser.  For this week's Mid-week Morsel I thought it would be appropriate to share a website I've found full of resources for organizing everything, Buttoned Up. Whether you're just trying to find your home under the clutter, or planning a major event like moving, at Buttoned Up you're sure to find articles, tips, and even printables to help you on your way.


1 comment:

  1. I love Buttoned Up! I use their resources for home, work/office and even for managing my volunteer group needs! Thanks for sharing this great resource--and reminding me that I can pass it on with value to my Communications Coaching clients.


How do you live the good life?