
June 19, 2013

Mid-week Morsel: "Safer, Smarter Kids" Abuse Prevention Curriculum

This isn't the post I expected to publish this morning.  I had a post about summer recipes all ready to go.  Then I checked my Facebook account.  I read a suggested post in my timeline which stated that "90% of children with a disability will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime and only 1-3% of those cases will ever be brought to light."  Wow.  That stopped me dead in my tracks.  The post continued on inviting readers to attend a free webinar tomorrow, June 20, 2013 at 3:30 pm for information about a curriculum developed specifically to teach children, including those with special needs, about abuse prevention.  I immediately knew that I needed to move my summer recipe post to next week and share this with you all.  Register for the webinar, or visit Lauren's Kids to learn more about the program.  Please share this information with other parents in your life, especially those who have or work with special needs children.


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