
June 29, 2013

My New Favorite Summer Recipe

I hope you were able to find some new and refreshing recipes from this week's Mid-week Morsel.  I have found my own new favorite summer recipe.  I've been thinking for a couple of weeks about what recipe I'd use.  Maybe I should write about our Greek salad, or my homemade cole slaw.  I just couldn't decide.  Fortunately, I didn't have to. My daughter picked out some fresh peaches at the store last week, and wanted to make something with them.  She decided to make peaches and cream.  Too bad I didn't have any heavy cream. We looked around for some other peach recipes...peach cobbler, peach melba...nothing seemed appealing.  Then it hit me.  My family loves my homemade banana pudding.  Why not make peach pudding?  So we did.  I used the same pudding recipe from my banana pudding, substituting the peaches for the bananas.  It's delicious!  Creamy, refreshing, and oh so peachy!  Here's my new favorite peaches and cream pudding recipe.

Peaches and Cream Pudding

1 C. sugar
2/3 C. flour
4 C. milk
6 egg yolks
3 tsp. vanilla extract
2 peaches

Halve and thinly slice the peaches. Set aside. Separate and beat the eggs in a bowl. Set aside. Combine flour and sugar in a medium saucepan.  Add milk and stir.  Add a small amount of the milk mixture to the eggs and stir together.  Then, add all of the egg mixture to the saucepan. Place the saucepan over medium-low heat and constantly stir...and stir...and stir.  You might want to have your phone, or a book with you.  You're going to be stirring for a while, but don't worry, it's worth it.  After around 20 minutes the mixture will begin to thicken.  Remove the pudding from the heat when it clings to the back of a spoon.  Add the vanilla extract to the pudding after it is done cooking.  Layer the peaches in a serving bowl or individual dessert cups with sprinkles of cinnamon. Pour the warm pudding over the peach slices and refrigerate.  Serve when cold. Makes 6-8 servings.

I hope you enjoy our peaches and cream pudding.  I'm sure it would be delicious with other fruit as well.  Perhaps I'll make it using blueberries or strawberries.  Yum!  Please feel free to share your new favorite summer recipe in the comments.


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